Tala-Chan's Blog Updates V.2

Today I decided to change my blog layout from the gloomy blue layout

to a simple but cute pink layout... (so kawaii! ^_^m)

So what are some changes in my blog?

  • I grew tired of having a blog that looks gloomy (don't get me wrong, I really like the blog design but because of its color, dark themed blogs makes me feel down recently... well blue is still one of my favorite colors, the second one is pink)
  • Font color for all the post is now in black (It's hard to edit ALL my post because of the font color)
  • Since I changed the layout, I accidentally removed the blog list, and I have to retrieve links from the blog list section manually. Well some of the sites are still there but there are some that I couldn't remember at all (my apologies...)
  • Changed the description of the blog
Well, that's it for now, Will update this site as soon as possible. Thanks for dropping by!


(PS: if you want to exchange links, leave a message in the comments section of this post, thanks!)