Team IMS 2.0

After a series of events that occured these past few months (i.e. Heynah resigned from the office, Michelle, Ryan and Jayson transfered here in USAP Manila, former boss RC transferred in affiliate marketing department, Jody also transferred in user experience department, Boris appointed as the new senior IMS, Guia-chan was transferred to Jj's team and I was transfered to Renren's team) here is the new (and improved...)

Team IMS 2.0!

Featuring the new (and notorious) bosses..

Boris, Vinny, Nee-chan, Lolo Ren and Kiko-chan (ung nakaupo!)


Team Palo (aka Team Renren)

Yancy Gay, Model Mich, Lolo Ren, Tala-chan and Oli Oli


Team Anime (aka Team JJ)

Ryan, Rhea, Nee-chan, Guia-chan and Paolo (10 months pregnant, lol!)


Team Payaso/Emo (aka Team Vins)

Raffy, Gha, Emo Vins, Aber and Payasong Renwick


Team Bo (as in Boris)
(the all boys team, boys nga ba?!hahahah!)

Gumar, Boris, Ruby (in pic), Elmer and Jayson

Here's the rest of the class pic in here! enjoy!