Blog updates!

Hello fellow bloggers!

Thank you for dropping by! I've been busy this couple of weeks because of the workload here in the office. But Now I had some free time, I made some changes here in my blog, so here it goes:

--- I changed the layout of my blog, from the simple black and blue layout:

to a dreamy blue layout! (simply lurrrve it!)

--- I also added some additional widgets in my blog (check out my plurk everyone!) and I would like to add more soon... (need to pick some widgets that suits my blog, lol!)

--- I added some links to my blogroll, some of them were blogs from my online friends in plurk.

--- And so here it is! here are some changes in my blog. If you like to exchange links just post your comments here, thanks!

Well, I need to get back to work! till my next post!

~ tala-chan ^_^